I regularly find myself fascinated,
amazed and frequently speechless about the differences between Ellie and her step
brother. There are lots of differences but for once, I’m not going to tell you
what I’m talking about, I'm going to show you...because one simple, seemingly
innocuous object perfectly demonstrates my point.
This is the contents of Ellie’s school
bag this evening:
This is the contents of her Step brother’s
school bag this evening:
Shall we play spot the difference? Well, you
get the point.
What’s interesting is what this says about their different
approaches to school and to life generally. Neither one of them is a better
approach than the other, but they are just fascinating in their difference.
Ellie is very ordered about her school
work, school bag and pretty much everything in her life. She likes to know
where her things are, what she’s going to be doing and she likes things in
their place. This makes her keen to do her school work, keen to help tidy and a
touch over the top when things aren't quite right - enter tantrum stage left.
Ellie’s step brother is much more
relaxed about life in general, and whilst that can be frustrating because he
won’t volunteer to do school work and usually can’t find his stuff…he worries
less and is generally more relaxed about what’s going on around him.
What this reminds me is that no single
style of parenting can ever be seen as the ‘right’ style – because different
children need different things. There is no doubting the fact that Ellie and
her step brother need totally different styles of parenting input. Of course
knowing this is the easy part, but doing it…well, I’m learning.