Monday, 3 December 2012

Dear Father Christmas…a letter from mummy

Dear Father Christmas,

I’ve mostly been really good this year. I’ve mostly been patient with Ellie, mostly been flexible when settling into our new home, mostly taken a deep breath instead of shouting, mostly listened to Ellie instead of getting distracted and mostly managed to keep on top of the ironing and essential housework.

Now I know mostly isn’t quite as good as you’d like but I promise that I will get better if only I could have the one thing that I really really want for Christmas, as you’ll see it’s quite clearly linked. Father Christmas, this Christmas can I please have some more time in the day.

I’m not asking for a whole additional day, just an extra few hours during each day – hours where I’m not working, but not exhausted. With more time in a day I will be able to:
  • Never rush Ellie’s bath and bed time story
  • Cook great dinners every day which are healthy and scrumptious (well I’d definitely cook and at least try my very best to make it scrumptious, although I have to be honest and say that I can’t guarantee it)
  • Do all the little jobs that I never get done including making up photo albums and sorting out the ever growing pile of household paperwork
  • Play with Ellie more when we’re together rather than doing the jobs I need to do
  • Write my blog at least once a week without fail
  • Bake cakes with Ellie more often (not using the ready mix)
  • Go to all of Ellie’s school events rather than just some of them

Now I do understand that this is a big ask and I’m sure it’s something you’ve been asked for many times before, but I really would make the most of those extra hours and I promise to let you know how I get on.

Anyway, I have to go now because the time it’s taken me to write this means that I’ve got just an hour left before bed and I need to iron Ellie’s uniform for tomorrow, check my email, wash up, tweet about this blog and hopefully squeeze in a conversation with my boyfriend.

Merry Christmas!

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