Saturday, 6 July 2013

End of term tired

Everyone warns you that the first year of school is exhausting for every child and there's no doubt that I've learned why schools have half term and term breaks. Nothing however had prepared for me for the very last part of Ellie's reception year. This for example is Ellie's second most common pose at the moment, the other is standing screaming at me:

Shouting, arguing, answering back, screaming, crying and...a lot more stropping are currently behaviours exhibited with far too much frequency. Where has my gorgeous little happy girl gone? Don't get me wrong Ellie has always been a strong willed girl and she definitely lets you know what she's thinking, but right now she is always on the edge of a meltdown. 

When Ellie was a baby I always referred to the 6.00 to 7.00pm slot as witching hour because this was when she was at her worst. That's not a shock to any parent but now I have a witching day and it's Friday. She's super tired from the week and so am I - clearly a tired mummy and a tired Ellie isn't a good combination.

The other morning I made a special effort to prevent a meltdown. When she asked me to help her dress because she was tired, I did half and she did half - good negotiation skills. When she couldn't decide what she wanted for breakfast I was patient and smiley until she chose. When she said she didn't want to clean her teeth I told her that I loved her smile and wanted her to keep it and she eventually undertook a half hearted attempt which i accepted. Then just as we were about to leave this happened...

'Ellie can you put your cardigan and coat on please, we've got to go'
'I don't want it on'
'Ellie it's cold outside and raining - put them on'
Ellie starts to cry
Ellie you're being ridiculous - put them on or I'll leave you here

Suffices to say that the situation escalated and eventually we ended up with one loudly sobbing child in the car, whilst older step brother just looked like he couldn't possibly get far enough away. I don't blame him. 

When we arrived at school and were getting out of the car the fuss continued. I was literally about to scream in her face to 'pack it in' when another mum walked by, smiled and me and said 'princesses eh'. I couldn't help but smile and it reminded me that this screechy crying, argumentative little girl was my little girl. My very tired little girl. 

I completed and utterly caved - letting her choose what she wanted to wear cardigan or coat wise for the total 60 second walk to the school. After all - what harm was it really going to do and quite frankly, I just wanted to get her to school. It seems that Ellie's older step brother felt similarly as he walked several steps ahead of us the entire way and couldn't say bye quickly enough at the gate, disappearing at considerable speed - more speed than usual I might add.

Ellie and I walked the next few paces to her playground and before we'd even arrived she was back to her chatty little self and 'didn't want to talk about it'. Do you know what - this time - neither did I. 

So with two weeks to go all I can say is - roll on the summer. This week we get school reports - I really hope Ellie isn't quite so melodramatic at school?! 


  1. I am sure her school report will be glowing and full of praise after they are the opposite at home! The last few weeks of term tho are always the worst and all three of mine are playing up and well and truly ready for the summer break

    1. I'm relieved that it's not just me experiencing tired children! Fingers crossed for the school report!
      Thanks for reading. x

  2. Something very similar to this happened to Grace last July when she got to the end of reception. I think they are tired and just need to stop - it's a welcome break when they do. Thank you so much for linking to PoCoLo and sorry for the delay in commenting xx

    1. Hi Tori- Today was school day trip to the zoo and it's fair to say that exhausted doesn't cover it! Ellie was in bed by 6.30 and gone by 6.40!
      Thanks for popping by.x
